My daughter graduated Law School - Major event ! Traveled to attend graduation.
Spent a week at DisneyWorld with family. Also got to see a life long friend that lives near Orlando.
Now that I'm back -
I finally had some free time to go looking at Model Homes again.
I took some pictures, this time.
Here are some of the "Features" that I found appealing:

This was a built-in alcove with a really pretty mirror.

I have a real weakness for a backyard pool. I love to swim - sit by the pool and read, relax or even look out at the water from inside the house. This house had some really elegant features besides the pool.
Home entertainment must be the big Trend. Several models featured large Game Rooms with huge pool tables. Home Theaters are also a biggee. One house had a room without windows painted black? or charcoal (so it would be totally dark when the doors were closed)- set up with recliners and a huge projection screen TV. Although these were elaborate, well done, and somewhat impressive, if given a choice, I'd opt for the above items in the pictures. [More to Come]
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